GC Glossary

This glossary was drawn from the three-language versions of the Practical Guide to Corporate Governance prepared by the IFC – International Finance Corporation – and OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, with the support of GCGF – Global Corporate Governance Forum, in 2009 and 2010 with the active participation of the founder of Better Governance, Sandra Guerra.


Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

A measure of return on a potential investment. The measure includes cost of debt and equity, weighted by their relative contribution to overall costs in proportion to total funding and the cost of the related interest or dividend payments.

Medida do rendimento de um investimento potencial. A medida inclui o custo do capital de terceiros e o custo do capital próprio ponderado de acordo com sua contribuição relativa para os custos em proporção ao financiamento total e o custo dos juros relacionados ou pagamento de dividendos.

Medida del rendimiento de una posible inversión. Incluye el costo de deuda y capital, ponderado en función de su aporte relativo al total de los costos, en proporción al financiamiento total y el costo de los pagos relacionados de intereses o dividendos.

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