GC Glossary

This glossary was drawn from the three-language versions of the Practical Guide to Corporate Governance prepared by the IFC – International Finance Corporation – and OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, with the support of GCGF – Global Corporate Governance Forum, in 2009 and 2010 with the active participation of the founder of Better Governance, Sandra Guerra.


Hostile Takeover

The continued pursuit of a company acquisition after the target company’s board rejects the offer; or a situation, in which the bidder makes an offer without prior notification of the target company’s board.

Busca contínua pela aquisição de uma empresa depois que o conselho da empresa-alvo rejeita a oferta ou uma situação na qual o licitante faz uma oferta sem a prévia notificação do conselho da empresa-alvo.

Intento persistente de comprar una empresa después de que la empresa objetivo de la compra ya ha rechazado la oferta; o situación en la que el oferente hace su oferta.

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