

Independent Auditors Professionals from an external audit firm charged with overseeing the financial reports. They must have no personal interest in the financial statements, to render an unbiased judgment about the financial position of the firm. Auditores independentes Busca contínua pela aquisição de uma empresa depois que o conselho da empresa-alvo rejeita a oferta ou […]


Hostile Takeover The continued pursuit of a company acquisition after the target company’s board rejects the offer; or a situation, in which the bidder makes an offer without prior notification of the target company’s board. Aquisição hostil Busca contínua pela aquisição de uma empresa depois que o conselho da empresa-alvo rejeita a oferta ou uma […]


Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Accounting rules, conventions and standards for US companies, established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Padrões contábeis (ver também Princípios Contábeis Geralmente Aceitos, GAAP) Conjunto de regras, convenções, padrões e procedimentos amplamente aceitos para o relato de informações financeiras, conforme estabelecido pelos organismos de normalização contábil. Normas contables aplicables […]


Fairness Respect for the rights of all stakeholders. One of the corporate governance principles. Equidade Respeito pelos direitos de todas as partes interessadas. Um dos princípios de governança corporativa. Equidad Respeto por los derechos de todos los accionistas. Uno de los principios del gobierno corporativo. Family Constitution Guidelines for the rights and duties of family […]


EBITDA Margin (EBITDA/operational revenues) A measure of profitability, indicating the margin of return for a company’s Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation, and Amortization. Margem EBITDA – EBITDA/receita operacional Medida de rentabilidade indicando a margem de rendimento dos lucros antes da dedução de juros, impostos, desvalorização e amortização (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization). Margen EBITDA […]


Daily Volume of Shares Traded Volume of a given stock traded on the financial exchange each day. Volume diário de ações negociadas Volume de uma determinada ação negociada no mercado financeiro todos os dias. Volumen diario de acciones negociadas Volumen de un determinado paquete accionario que se negocia cada día en el mercado financiero. Debt […]


Cash Flow Rights The right to receive a specified portion of the company’s profits. Cash flow rights for shareholders are determined by the company, based on the amount invested and the ownership of the specific class of shares. Direitos sobre o fluxo de caixa Direito de receber uma parcela específica dos lucros da empresa. Os […]


Board of Directors The collective group of individuals elected by the shareholders of a company to define vision and mission, set the strategy and oversee the management of the company. The board is charged with selecting the chief executive officer (CEO), defining the compensation package of officers and setting the long-term objectives of the firm. […]


Accountability The liability of a board of directors to shareholders and stakeholders for corporate performance and actions of the corporation. It is the concept of being responsible for all actions performed by the company’s management and reporting this information to stakeholders. Prestação de contas A obrigação de um conselho de administração de prestar contas aos […]

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